I missed noting on this photo what this car is.
Billie Burke in San Francisco's Presidio Park drving her Studebaker
Dodge... with a chauffer? In a Dodge? Really?
Henry Ford in his first automobile
1927 Holland Tunnel in New York
New York hot dog stand 1935 in Manhattan
a safety idea that didn't stick
1909 flight of the Wright brothers... but look at the elegant horse carriage
Lady Astor, a parliament member in England and her Terraplane
a Packard 12, 7 passenger limo
Panhard and Levassor
This Supercharged Graham 120 won over 4 other v8 autos in a contest to win the favor of this fire dept chief
REO Flying Cloud
The first Oldsmobile, 1896
A Winton stripped down for racing
all found while browsing through http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/